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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Photo credit: Ren Rader

Being limited by something isn’t necessarily a bad thing

Victoria Stringer October 31, 2019
Not only is it normal and human to have limitations, but those limitations do not have to be immovable roadblocks to success
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Dear Kayla: How do I fall out of love?

Kayla Padilla October 31, 2019

Illustration by Andrea NebhutDear Kayla, I'm tired of liking someone. I'm tired of wasting my time and I'm tired of hoping for change or to eventually get over it. How do you fall out of love? -Miss UnlovedDear...

Photo credit: Ren Rader

Sometimes going home is the best medicine

Nina Loya October 31, 2019
"I was afraid that if I went home, I wouldn't want to come back."
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Police and the fetish for justified violence

Luke Eakin October 31, 2019

Illustration by Andrea NebhutThere exists a certain sort of person who is common in America. This person, upon hearing that killing someone was wrong unless it’s in self-defense, thinks to themselves,...

Photo credit: Ren Rader

Natasha’s Kitchen: New oppor-tuna-ties

Natasha Sahu October 28, 2019

Illustration by Ren RaderAs much as I hate being a part of the Indian-American diaspora, it’s really funny how much I can’t help seeing the parallels of my lives. In India, my family lived...

Photo credit: Ren Rader

Male entitlement and the right to public space

Natalia Salas October 28, 2019

Illustration by Ren RaderHaving spent only two months abroad in a city as busy and crowded as London, I’ve begun to notice certain social interactions that I was more or less oblivious to, or at...

Rediscover the childlike wonder that Halloween signifies

Rediscover the childlike wonder that Halloween signifies

Editorial Board October 24, 2019

This week, we’re celebrating Halloween in the Trinitonian newsroom. It’s been a long semester. We’ve taken tests, we’ve submitted essays, we’ve completed projects. Some were...

Photo credit: Ren Rader

The Kurdish policy change weakens the U.S. internationally

Ben Falcon October 23, 2019

Illustration by Ren RaderLast week, the president unilaterally chose to abruptly reverse U.S. foreign policy by withdrawing our forces from northern Syria, where the United States had been supporting its...

Trinity at 150: A Retrospective View

Trinity at 150: A Retrospective View

Douglas Brackenridge October 22, 2019

On campus to celebrate Trinity’s 150th Anniversary and to attend his 50th class reunion, Art Sundstrom reflected on the differences and similarities between 1969 and 2019. As president of the Student...

Being Black in Residential Life

Being Black in Residential Life

Ryann Williams October 17, 2019
Co-written by Ryann Williams and Jessica Jennings
Where should I take my date in San Antonio?

Where should I take my date in San Antonio?

Kayla Padilla October 16, 2019

Illustration by Andrea NebhutMy girlfriend doesn’t live in San Antonio but comes to visit every week or so. What are some good date-night spots near campus that aren’t too expensive are but...

Photo credit: Ren Rader

The sneaky signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Victoria Stringer October 16, 2019
Depression is one of those funny things where you know what it is, and you know that it’s fairly common ... but it still doesn’t feel like something that can happen to you.