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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Adult Lauren and Sam still in love and cute today.

I did long distance all four years of college

Lauren Roddis, Pulse Editor February 14, 2025

I have been in a long-distance relationship all four years of college. My boyfriend, Sam, and I are about to celebrate our five year anniversary, and it’s kind of weird to come to terms with. I never...

Trinity’s dating scene may not be that hopeless

Trinity’s dating scene may not be that hopeless

Students discuss their romantic relationships with others they met at Trinity
Ashlyn Gillespie, Pulse Reporter February 8, 2024

At a small school like Trinity, it can feel like there are too few fish in the sea. However, some have still been able to find their significant other while on campus. Robin Bernal, junior religion major,...

Photo credit: Ren Rader

College Dating 101

Yukiko Yamazaki September 10, 2020
What I wish I knew about dating as a freshman
Diary of a confused lesbian

Diary of a confused lesbian

Ruby Walker February 13, 2020
Reflections on journaling and self-discoveries
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Tips and tricks for making your long-distance relationship work

Bella Spangher February 13, 2020
Love can still bloom over miles and time zones apart
Where should I take my date in San Antonio?

Where should I take my date in San Antonio?

Kayla Padilla October 16, 2019

Illustration by Andrea NebhutMy girlfriend doesn’t live in San Antonio but comes to visit every week or so. What are some good date-night spots near campus that aren’t too expensive are but...

Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Not so fast, Ryan Gosling: Watching romantic comedies in the #MeToo era

Noelle Barrera February 8, 2019
This Valentine's Day, let's rewrite the fictional tropes around romance and consent
Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

Dating as a Black woman

Kezia Nyarko February 6, 2019
Examining how dark-skinned Black women are hypersexualized in today's society
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

“All You Need Is Love”? … and Ancient Poetry

Benjamin Stevens February 6, 2019

Illustration by Andrea Nebhut“All you need is love!” So shouts, and then sings, Ewan McGregor as the penniless but ebullient poet Christian in Baz Luhrmann’s frenetically swooning movie,...

Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Just call it a date

Maddie D’iorio February 5, 2019
The lowdown on Level 1 dating
Elise Hester, video producer, can have her cake and eat it too. illustration by Andrea Nebhut

Dear Friend

Elise Hester February 4, 2018

Dear Friend, A year ago, I joked about not liking boys or girls and a friend — who is named after a container — responded by saying I might be asexual. He was right. I left lunch to Google "asexual"...