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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Trinity should help combat homelessness in San Antonio

Ethan Crane January 23, 2020
Trinity has the ability to aid San Antonio's homelessness crisis using the residence halls that are vacant for approximately three months out of the year.
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

The market will not stop climate change

Carl Teegerstrom October 15, 2019
In response to “Capitalism is the solution to the global climate crisis, not the cause”
Experiential Learning revamps Tiger Breaks

Experiential Learning revamps Tiger Breaks

Gabriella Garriga February 1, 2018

Junior Susan Griffith stood in the frozen food aisle feeling hungry and regretting her decision to vote for lasagna. After spending all day cleaning up a New Orleans park, Griffith sat in the car for...

Sophomore Rohan Walawalkar presents as part of TEDxTrinityUniversity's first event on effective study habits. Photo by Stephen Sumrall-Orsak, staff photographer

Student club brings TED talks to Trinity

Gabriella Garriga January 18, 2018

Fifteen years ago, Rohan Walawalkar sat in a car with his mom eating a candy bar — his ideal day. Stuck in traffic, Walawalkar savored every bite of his Cadbury treat, unconcerned with the local homeless...

Matthew Desmond addresses questions form the audience after his lecture. Photo by Amani Canada

Trinity reacts to Reading TUgether lecture

Kaylie King August 29, 2017

Trinity's annual Reading TUgether lecture took place on Wednesday, Aug. 23, in Laurie Auditorium. This year's featured guest, Matthew Desmond, spoke about his book "Evicted," an ethnographic text that...