Biden Defeats Trump — So What’s Next For Democrats?
illustration by Ren Rader
On Saturday morning, America’s never-ending election finally came to a close. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has pulled off the difficult task of unseating an incumbent president. President-Elect Biden will receive 306 electors and the most votes in history. Biden garnered the same ‘massive landslide’ victory as Trump did in 2016 when he lost the popular vote by over 2 million.
Even so, the election was far from a wave election. Yes, President-Elect Biden did “beat [Trump] like a drum,” but down-ballot Democrats struggled in their respective races. Despite what expectations and polls predicted, Texas did not go blue. Democrats failed to flip the state legislature. We lost seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and are still shy of capturing control of the U.S. Senate. Many in the Democratic party have blamed progressives, pollsters and party elders.
To be clear, we all should rejoice that we set in motion the removal of Donald Trump. Yet, we would be remiss to not realize that our party should have performed better. The electoral map may be impressive, but by county, you see that very little has changed since 2016. ‘Blue America’ got bluer and red America’ got redder. This year we received millions more votes than Trump. Why then did we lose seven house seats and netted only one senate seat? Most think it is a matter of whether the party has gone too far left or not far left enough. The debate gets very wonky with both sides bogged down in the trenches over the minutiae of Democratic policy.
Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) recently blamed our losses on “the extreme leftward lurch of the Democrat Party.” While I am a critic of the Democratic party’s trend toward more liberal and progressive policies, she is wrong to only blame the left. The party’s problem isn’t ideological per se, but geographical and with our branding. One big thing that Republicans are much better at doing than Democrats is understanding what drives our politics — feelings and brand perception. Too often we forget that elections are popularity contests and not final exams. We can’t just win on detailed plans alone.
2020 proves that all politics is national, not local anymore. Democrats like Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX), who barely won re-election, and Xochitl Torres Small (D-NM), who lost, had a hard time escaping the national party brand. This is because our base has become narrower and narrower in recent years. We continue to pander to a specific demographic of voters in big cities and suburbs. Andrew Yang characterized it best when he said “the Democratic Party, unfortunately, has taken on this role of the coastal urban elites.” I’ve written on this before and warned Democrats that we must learn the lessons of the Trump era if we are to succeed as a party. We cannot, nor should we want to, run on a platform that resonates only with metro areas and the college-educated.
You might think that because only 14% of people live in rural America we can afford to write them off, but you’re wrong. American politics and our political institutions are beautifully crafted to prevent this. As they should. Moreover, rural America is not just white America. There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of people of color, women, queer folk and working-class Americans that need a strong Democratic party to advocate for them. Unfortunately, we ignore them and, if anything, run candidates that don’t fit their districts.
I suggest we de-centralize our brand and extend a national platform to moderate (35%) and conservative (17%) Democrats who make up 52% of our party. Doing so will be a great first step to localizing our politics again so that down-ballot Democrats can have the freedom to succeed on their own merits again. The Democratic party and President-Elect Biden are uniquely placed to restore our politics, but to do so we have to get our own house in order first.
Austin Klein • Nov 13, 2020 at 12:54 pm
The whole notion of extending a “national platform to moderate and conservative Democrats” is flawed in its basis. The same Gallup article you cite regarding the percentages of moderates and conservatives in the party shows that position of liberals, moderates, and conservatives in the democratic party have been all trending towards alignment with more liberal policies. All 3 groups have increased their approval of stricter gun laws since 2012. All 3 groups have trended towards the recognition that global warming is caused by human activity since 2012. All have become more approving of labor unions since 2012.
The conclusion of the article is this: “Democrats, as a whole, are becoming more liberal, and this is seen across all subgroups.”
The party is moving to the left. Opinions on key political issues are moving to the left. With these trends, the party would be foolish to adopt a more centrist stance going forward.
Additionally, you argue that rural America should not be written off. I agree, but they only deserve as much of a say as any other person. As the system currently stands, it grossly amplifies the voices of states with lower populations, causing a ballot cast by a person living in Wyoming or Montana to carry much more weight than a person living in Texas, New York, or another populous state. The same issue exists for the rural vs. city issue. Because of how districts are drawn, gerrymandered, and assigned electors, a ballot cast for state governor is worth more if cast by a resident of Alvin TX, than the ballot of a resident of Houston TX. No person should have more say in our democracy than another. One person, one vote.
Austin Klein • Nov 13, 2020 at 12:55 pm
Link to the Gallup article being referenced: