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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Sustaining motivation in the new year

Sustaining motivation in the new year

Editorial Board January 24, 2020

It's hard to feel motivated after a semester of hard work and tireless effort, and that's what every spring semester feels like. Though winter break is a nice reprieve from back-to-back classes, hours...

Experience life outside of "the Bubble"

Experience life outside of “the Bubble”

Editorial Board November 7, 2019

Everyone likes to talk about the "Trinity Bubble." Most Trinity students feel comfortable within this mile radius in which we reside for at least three years, and it's kind of cool that alumni can come...

Rediscover the childlike wonder that Halloween signifies

Rediscover the childlike wonder that Halloween signifies

Editorial Board October 24, 2019

This week, we’re celebrating Halloween in the Trinitonian newsroom. It’s been a long semester. We’ve taken tests, we’ve submitted essays, we’ve completed projects. Some were...

Take action against climate change

Take action against climate change

Editorial Board September 22, 2019

Everyone wants to save the environment. Or at least, everyone who believes our world climate is changing wants to save the environment. We've stopped using straws. We've turned to composting and secondhand...

Be yourself through your fashion

Be yourself through your fashion

Editorial Board September 12, 2019

Fashion is a lot like the opinion pages of a newspaper. It's a way to express oneself, it's a commentary on the times, and eventually, it becomes a historical record of people's preferences. When you look...

Hold our staff accountable, too

Hold our staff accountable, too

Editorial Board August 22, 2019

The Trinitonian has been Trinity University’s sole independent student-run newspaper since 1902. There is no certain record of how many people have worked for our publication, but it’s somewhere...

Why discussions like Chick-fil-A are important

Why discussions like Chick-fil-A are important

Editorial Board April 25, 2019
You have the power to bring about change on our campus
Welcome to Fiesta, folks!

Welcome to Fiesta, folks!

Kathleen Creedon April 10, 2019
'Tis the season of San Antonio pride
Correcting misconceptions

Correcting misconceptions

Editorial Board March 28, 2019
Setting the record straight about our mission, policies
What the tragedies and controversies over break say about our nation

What the tragedies and controversies over break say about our nation

Editorial Board March 24, 2019
Learning to listen from the tragedy in Christchurch, New Zealand and the recent college admissions scandal
So long, 2018

So long, 2018

Editorial Board November 29, 2018

We've finally made it. The fall semester is coming to an end along with 2018. We've gone through a lot this year as a campus and a nation. Before we hunker down in the library and stress out over our finals,...

Reader beware...It's spooky out there

Reader beware…It’s spooky out there

Julia Weis October 24, 2018

This week at the Trinitonian, we're celebrating Halloween. Reactions seem polarized — everyone is either really excited or couldn't care less. Whether you love Halloween or hate it, try to take a...