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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Sophomore Connor McClure swimming butterfly

Swim teams look forward to Nationals

Kathleen Creedon February 7, 2019
With Conference upcoming, the athletes focus on the details of the sport to ensure a spot at the NCAA meet
Photo credit: Alexandra Parris

Best Margarita: Panchito’s and Tomatillo’s

Kathleen Creedon January 31, 2019

graphic by Alex ParrisWhen asked to taste the margarita that Trinity voted best, I was down. When I found out Trinity voted two places as Best Margarita, I was elated. Both Panchitos and Tomatillos have...

We’ve got some big news

Kathleen Creedon December 23, 2018
We’ve published over 700 articles since January. Here’s the best of it all.

DIY or die: Halloween costumes on-the-go

Kathleen Creedon October 25, 2018

I can confidently say that I’ve never worn a store-bought costume for Halloween - or for any other dress-up event, for that matter. Though it was easier when my mom would spend hours sewing something...

Sole-searching can be hard when you wear a size 16

Sole-searching can be hard when you wear a size 16

Kathleen Creedon September 14, 2018
Together, Christian Lee and Pyar Seth own over 200 pairs of sneakers
Tune in each week for Kathleen Creedon's SGA summaries. SGA meets at 6 p.m. on Mondays in the Waxahachie Room in Coates University Center.

Previously, on SGA: The Long and Winding Meeting

Kathleen Creedon April 26, 2018

This covers the meeting on April 23. CAMPUS CLIMATE CHECK Junior senator Julia Shults, member of the committee created to find a new First-Year Experience coordinator, asked SGA members to reach out...

Tune in each week for Kathleen Creedon's SGA summaries. SGA meets at 6 p.m. on Mondays in the Waxahachie Room in Coates University Center.

Previously, on SGA: Best Funds Forever

Kathleen Creedon April 17, 2018

This covers the meeting on April 16.   CAMPUS CLIMATE CHECK Nick Santulli, senior and senator emeritus, asked for feedback on the recent dining services exhibition that was held in Mabee dining...

graphic by Liz Day, graphics editor

Credit hour policy an unlikely source of academic quibbles

Kathleen Creedon April 11, 2018

Students may have noticed that certain classes and departments have adopted four-credit-hour courses in recent years. This is a symptom of a quiet conflict that has persisted among faculty since 2013,...

Tune in each week for Kathleen Creedon's SGA summaries. SGA meets at 6 p.m. on Mondays in the Waxahachie Room in Coates University Center.

Previously, on SGA: The Good, the Budget and the Ugly

Kathleen Creedon April 11, 2018

This covers the SGA meeting on April 9.   CAMPUS CLIMATE CHECK Sophomore senator Simone Washington relayed frustration students have had with Student Involvement, particularly in planning events....

Tune in each week for Kathleen Creedon's SGA summaries. SGA meets at 6 p.m. on Mondays in the Waxahachie Room in Coates University Center.

Previously, on SGA: Budget, Twist It, Pull It

Kathleen Creedon April 8, 2018

This covers the SGA meeting on April 2. CAMPUS CLIMATE CHECK Senator Emeritus Samy Abdallah, senior, noted the construction going on behind the Bell Center and by the football field. Abdallah asked if...

Adviser to the Bee Alliance Richard Reed, left, and president of the alliance Abbi Bowen, right, safely contained the swarm outside CSI. Photo by Kathleen Creedon, news editor

What’s buzzing? Trinity bees swarm outside CSI

Kathleen Creedon April 4, 2018

Last Thursday, one of Trinity’s bee colonies swarmed outside CSI. The bees had gathered around a new queen bee by a bush on the sidewalk. Trinity has two hives that are housed on the roof of CSI, but...

Tune in each week for Kathleen Creedon's SGA summaries. SGA meets at 6 p.m. on Mondays in the Waxahachie Room in Coates University Center.

Previously, on SGA: RSOs Just Want to Have Fun(ding)

Kathleen Creedon April 1, 2018

This covers the SGA meeting on March 26. CAMPUS CLIMATE CHECK Junior senator Julia Shults noted that the box for feminine hygiene products located in one of the Coates University Center bathrooms had...