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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


New Trinity football and golf coaches look to start off strong

John Mendiola August 30, 2013

First-year students were not the only new additions to the Trinity community this month; coaches Sean Etheredge, Brant McAdams and Jerheme Urban have sprinted onto campus with purpose. Starting the year...

The ultimate first year’s checklist

John Mendiola August 22, 2013

Put on a smile and talk to a stranger : Social groups are inevitable. While Trinity's social scene is more fluid than most, you should take advantage of this time before groups have congealed and meet...

Welcome to San Antonio

John Mendiola August 22, 2013

Introduction - Megan Hageney, A&E Editor Welcome to San Antonio! Get ready to fall in love with this place. It is the home of the Spurs, some of the best food in the world, the Alamo and 300 days...

Get a headstart with these obscure trinitips

John Mendiola August 22, 2013

The New Student Orientation issue of the Trinitonian contains loads of tips, advice and information for first-year students. Starting college comes with a multitude of changes that students must adjust...

Image courtesy of Netflix.

Review: Season one of “Hemlock Grove” on Netflix

John Mendiola April 28, 2013

"House of Cards" was the first of Netflix's new gamble to "become HBO faster than they can be us." Original programming isn't a new idea, but devoting a big budget to create a product with high production...

The OId Spice guy.

The craziest advertisement on television

John Mendiola April 19, 2013

Academics, philosophers and thinkers have strong opinions on the effects of advertisements on modern society. Images and sounds selling a product or an idea inundate and scream at our eyes and ears every...

Hugo Award nominees offer fantastic science fiction

John Mendiola April 12, 2013

Books in the speculative fiction genre (science fiction and fantasy are under this umbrella term) are usually regarded as inferior to "normal" fiction in award ceremonies. At first, various authors who...

The coolest projects on Kickstarter

John Mendiola April 5, 2013

The Internet has changed and destroyed thousands of ideas, businesses, dreams and innocence, but it has also provided countless avenues for rewarding determination, innovation and, sometimes, really weird...

The state of modern comics

John Mendiola March 22, 2013

"There are too many words in this and not enough pictures," cried one student. "Gosh, there are like no words in this. My imagination is not at all challenged," cried another. At first glance, these...

Sony surprise: what we can expect from the Playstation 4

John Mendiola March 1, 2013

Gamers speculated about what Sony would announce during their big event in late February. Rumors swirled around. There were talks of a new Playstation or something as extreme as Sony dropping out of the...

A professional potato chip review

A professional potato chip review

John Mendiola February 22, 2013

The power-hungry and the just plain hungry came together to ring the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange last week. PepsiCo, the parent company of Lay's Potato Chips and Pepsi (a gold star for...

2013’s most promising original screenplays

John Mendiola February 15, 2013

Don't listen to the jaded, nostalgic old man across the street, and spit out that Kool-Aid: original movies are not a dying breed. Stories from novels, games and comics are constantly being rehashed as...