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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Sidewalk Symposium: Child-planning

Sidewalk Symposium: Child-planning

Students share their thoughts on having kids
Omar Ratrut, Pulse Reporter March 23, 2023

Attitudes towards having children vary widely amongst most new adults. Younger generations seem to have changing attitudes towards having kids, as more people are starting to prioritize good parenting,...

Alejandra Caballero

Sidewalk Symposium: Religious involvement

Students around campus discuss how their religious practices have been impacted by collegiate life
Omar Ratrut, Pulse Reporter February 23, 2023

Religion is typically influenced and encouraged by family dynamics. However, as college students move towards independence, it may be difficult for them to maintain the religious practices they are accustomed...

Freshman, Sabrina Cinque

Sidewalk Symposium: New Year’s resolutions

Students around campus share a few of their new year’s resolutions to kick-start the new semester.
Malika Chauhan, Pulse Reporter January 26, 2023

Starting off the new year and new semester with positive goals is important for many students. According to Forbes Magazine, most resolutions only have a 46% success rate. Nevertheless, these resolutions...

Sidewalk symposium: Students share their favorite stress-relieving activities

Malika Chauhan, Pulse Reporter November 18, 2022

With finals right around the corner, many students may be feeling overwhelmed. Stress-relieving activities and music are great ways to cope and manage these important yet hectic times. Students around...

Favorite Thanksgiving foods and traditions

As the Thanksgiving holiday gets closer, students share their favorite parts of the holiday
Karoline Beazley Reese, Intern November 10, 2022

Thanksgiving is the perfect time for reunions with extended family and friends, taking a break from campus and getting much-needed laundry done. However, the part that most people look forward to when...

Erica Peterson

Sidewalk Symposium: When should the Christmas season start?

Now that November has begun, students discuss when they believe the Christmas season officially begins
Karoline Beazley Reese, Intern November 3, 2022

Every year, there is the same age-old debate about when the Christmas season truly begins. Even though Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You” may already be playing in Mabee Dining Hall,...

Nathan Sicilano

Sidewalk Symposium: Halloween Costumes

With Halloween right around the corner, students share their spooky and fun costume ideas
Karoline Beazley Reese, Intern October 27, 2022

Halloween for college students is an exciting time to dress up as a favorite movie or TV characters, vampires, witches, pirates and more. “Halloweekend” is also a huge celebration for college students...

Sidewalk Symposium: Favorite dorm snacks

Students share what they like to munch on in their dorm
Lauren Roddis, Pulse Reporter October 20, 2022

In the midst of midterms, the simple pleasure of eating your favorite snack is a necessity. Thus, dorm snacks emerge as the perfect pick-me-up for late night studying, test stressing and everything in...

Sidewalk Symposium: Athletics and school spirit on campus

Sidewalk Symposium: Athletics and school spirit on campus

Students speak their mind on on-campus sports
Thomas Melina Raab, Intern October 13, 2022

Athletics on campus are a large part of Trinity’s identity. Nearly a quarter of students are members of varsity teams, and countless more participate in club or intramural sports. For athletes, sports...

Andra Key

Sidewalk Symposium: music edition

Asking the hard questions, like “What are you listening to right now?”
Madison Haxton, Arts and Entertainment Reporter October 6, 2022

The music scene at Trinity is constantly evolving. Groups like the Acabellas, the Trinitones and Loon-E Crew ensure that the student population is consistently exposed to diverse types of music and dance. This...

Sidewalk Symposium: Trinity’s new ranking

Despite faculty’s excitement, most students appear ambivalent about Trinity’s new ranking
Ava Gleason, Pulse Editor September 22, 2022

We rank our sports. We rank our grades. We even rank our school itself. Recently Vanessa B. Beasley, Trinity’s president, made an announcement that the U.S. News and World Report had released its National...

Nathan Daniel Cazares, first-year neuroscience major

Sidewalk Symposium: Fashion Edition

Are Trinity trends a yay or a nay?
Angelina D'Elia, Arts & Entertainment Editor September 22, 2022

Despite the sweltering San Antonio heat, a large percentage of Trinity students still manage to show up and show out every day, sporting fashionable fits and trendy accessories. Of these trends, we’ve...