There’s a buzz outside of South Hall, and it’s coming from Andrew Cable’s hair clippers.
Cable, a senior biology major, has been providing haircuts to friends on campus for about a year and a half. This year, he is typically open for business on Friday afternoons, when he cuts hair to relax after a week of studying and working two jobs.
“I normally do Friday afternoons. I’m working in admissions 10 hours a week, I’m an RA and I work for the Spurs too, so I’m pretty busy. I do Friday afternoons to calm down, to relax. I get out of class at 1:30 p.m. and I cut maybe from 3 to 5 p.m.,” Cable said.
Daniel Dahlinger, junior and regular customer at Cable’s Clippers, appreciates the bonding time with Cable and other friends.

“Honestly, it’s pretty fun. Sometimes it’s just me, but also we’ll get a group of guys to come over, and it’s kind of like a family affair. We all hang out together,” Dahlinger said.
“It’s really fun to just hang out. I just thrown on some music and then we talk. I try to get the barbershop talk going, you know, just talk about random things. It’s really relaxing,” Cable said.
Cable was inspired to learn how to cut hair when he saw a pair of clippers for sale, and initially learned through trial and error.
“I was at Ross and I saw a clipper set on sale for about 40 bucks, and so I thought, “˜Oh shoot! I’ll buy it.’ I’m one of five boys “” I have four brothers “” and I so I just took my brother outside and I was like, “˜Dude, let me cut your hair,’ and he was like, “˜Okay, fine.’ And I messed him up really bad the first time, it was horrible,” Cable said.
With more experience and the help of YouTube training videos, Cable has become good enough to retain several longtime customers.
“I think I have seven or eight regulars. Austin Guerrero, he’s from Tucson and I’m from Tucson, where we went to high school together. So, he was, beside my brothers, my first customer, so I’ve done his hair for like two years now,” Cable said.
Cable has only cut the hair of male friends, but he is willing to try with anyone.
“I’ve never cut any girls’ hair. People have asked me, and I told them, “˜You’re welcome to come by,'” Cable said.
One of the best things about Cable’s Clippers is that the haircuts are free of charge, for now.
“I think I would start to charge if it got super busy. At some point I might need to slow down, especially once the semester really starts going,” Cable said.
To look into scheduling an appointment, contact Andrew Cable at [email protected].